Saturday, February 25, 2012

Love Roller Coasters: The Bipolar Marriage

One year is a big milestone for a lot of married couples now. It's sad to say, but in the last few years divorces have skyrocketed and fewer and fewer people stay married or even choose to get married in the first place. It's a different generation and the majority of people, at least that I have talked to, look as marriage as either a chore, or something they don't even want to bother with because it's overrated. Granted, there are those few great marriages that you want to see last forever. I do know a couple of those.

 I love my marriage.

 I even gave that sentence its own space because I think that is an important point to get across. As my one year anniversary approaches quickly (as in tomorrow) I definitely find myself reflecting on the ups and downs of the last year. Happily I can say they were mostly ups. I don't feel right discussing private and sacred things such as a marriage online no matter how people view marriage. I won't go into details, but  all I can say is that it is hard, especially when dealing with Bipolar Disorder. It takes effort from both people. I know that all marriages take work, but I especially appreciate my husband for all the work that he does.

 Through all the ups and downs and the roller coaster that is a marriage with someone who has Bipolar Disorder, my husband has to be the most patient man in the world. At least I think so. Marriages fail all the time because people can't handle the emotional upsets and financial difficulty that comes with dealing with Bipolar Disorder. I would like to think that my marriage can survive because of the person my husband is. A patient loving man who knew what he was getting into before he even married me.

This is a great article I read on webMD that discusses marriage and Bipolar Disorder.

All I can say now is how excited I am to spend my one year anniversary away at a quiet Inn at the beach with my wonderfully supportive husband. Here is to another year of happiness and to the hope that all marriages can happily survive all the years.

Denise R.

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