Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Healing Power of Animals

Dogs are mans best friend for a reason. They are loyal, they are friendly, and they love you unconditionally. People need to be more like dogs, in the sense that loving people no matter what goes on, seems to be their life focus. Wouldn't it be nice if everyone loved us regardless of the mistakes we made or the stupid things we say. I know I would enjoy life a lot more.

So we invested a part of our lives in another dog. As much as I love our other dog Odin, he really took to my husband instead. Every time he entered the room Odin's attention would go to him. I know that Odin loves me, just not as much as he loves my husband. He is a daddy's boy. So we went to the shelter and looked around for a few hours and found a Pomeranian mix that kept calling my attention. As soon as I picked her up she clung to me like I was her best friend in the world. She didn't do that for anyone else in the room. We knew that we had to take her home with us, and we did. We named her Freyja. (Pronounced Fray-yah)

 The reason why we got another dog was that I was feeling a little bit lonely and I needed something or someone to keep me calm and take my mind off of feeling trapped in the house, since what I do mostly is housework. I don't have a job to go to, and my husband sleeps during the day because of his graveyard shift, so I spend most of the day by myself. Odin really isn't a sit down kind of dog either. Freyja on the other hand spends her day on my lap or curled up on my shoulder. 

 I am on a mission. To make Freyja a service dog, I don't know how I am going to do it or even if I can, but I will try. I can't go to the store alone, I can't even stop at the gas station to fill my car by myself. My anxiety gets so bad I will turn around and drive 5 miles back to the house instead of step into the grocery store by myself. I know that people have prescriptions to take their dogs into the store with them, I just don't know how. So my first step is to talk to my counselor about it. I figure they would know what to do since they went to school for people with this kind of disorder right?

 People may laugh at the idea of bringing a dog along with you to run daily tasks, but the research on owning an animal is amazing. There are books and studies all over the place that proves that just having an animal around helps lower blood pressure, lessen anxiety, and just the cure that I needed, help loneliness. Maybe I can even lower the amount of medication I take a day if I have Freyja with me to control my anxiety. 

These two studies, while inconclusive, shows you how it can change peoples lives and stress levels. It was enough of a study to allow people to get prescriptions for their pets. The fact that my husband has told me, in the last three days we have owned Freyja, I look more relaxed when I hold her, that my face lights up. That tells me something. It tells me that owning a pet is good for me, that it is having an affect on my health.

 While owning a pet is not for everyone, I just know how it affects my life and I share it with you. Watch a friend or family members pet while they are gone for vacation, notice the difference it has on you. Instead of getting a pure breed, go to your local rescue shelter and save an animal. We did with both of our dogs and we could not be happier. The amount of gratitude they have for you shows, and they will love you forever for giving them a good home. 

 When you find the right pet for you, they will be loyal, loving companions as long as they live and sometimes as long as you live. They are there for the good and bad of life and never falter when life gets really tough and you feel like giving up. They will be there always to curl up next to you and be that loving companion you need. That is something that medicine just can not do.

Denise R.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post. Love your perspective. Freyja is the cutest ever. Can't wait to meet her!
